วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Share Your Blessings With Charity Credit Cards

Writen by Morgan Hamilton

If you want to contribute some of your blessings to the underprivileged, then you should get charity credit cards. You can show your support for a certain charity with these cards. The concept for this type of cards was created because many people find that they really do not need some the types of rewards that are offered by credit card companies. As a result, credit card companies began to team up with charitable institutions to offer people an easy way to support the charity of their choice. A percentage of the amount charged to a charity credit card goes to the charity every time it is used for a purchase.

A person can feel good every time he or she use charity credit cards. However, while it is nice to donate to charity, this can also be a problem. You see, some people can get carried away with thinking that they are doing good by charging on their credit card. The problem is that they may also be charging themselves into a financial crisis. If people are convinced that they can help other people through this credit card, then they may end up charging more purchases to their credit cards.

If you want to really make a difference then you should compare several charity credit cards to find the one that gives the most to charities. You could also get a credit card that offers cash back and then donate that cash to the charity of your choice. However, you may not be able to find the charity of your choice, even though there are many different credit cards that donate to many different causes. If this happens, you may find a new charity to donate through this way or donate to charity through cash donations. Whatever option you choose, charity credit cards remain very beneficial and the charities of your choice will really appreciate the money that you wholeheartedly donated to them.

A lot of generous people find that charity credit cards are a nice way to use reward programs. This reward program is not a selfish one, but rather one of kindness and sharing. It would be wise to keep in mind that you can always donate money to the charity instead of being compelled to let your credit charges get out of control. You should consider switching to charity credit cards if you are not using the rewards that you are earning through other credit cards.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Charity Credit Cards. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting http://www.findqualitycreditcards.com

วันเสาร์ที่ 8 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

When Not To Borrow Money Avoiding The Lending Traps

Writen by Morgan James

Although there are some times when borrowing money is financially a sound option, there are other times when borrowing money will only lead to larger problems. Here are five times that it is unwise to borrow money.

1. When you haven't done your research.

Don't get a loan from the first bank that you walk into. Use the internet as one of your valuable tools to find your best rates. Although a one percent difference might not sound like a lot, on a large loan such as a mortgage, it can equal upwards of $10,000 that you lose. Similarly, it will take you longer to pay back such a loan, and you will be indebted for a longer period.

You want to get your loan from a reputable bank or credit union that you feel comfortable with. If you are uneasy about any of the bank or online bank's practices, then simply choose not to borrow. It's your money: make sure you are dealing with someone you trust. Try asking friends and family for recommendations.

2. When you are solicited.

If you get offers in the mail or in your email to borrow money, don't take them. If you need to borrow money, you will seek out the lenders. It is bad news when the lenders seek you out.

This is particularly applicable to credit cards. Credit card companies often have aggressive marketing campaigns designed to lure in new consumers. People sign up for a credit card, thinking that they have made a good decision, or that they will never use the card. If you use your card and don't pay the balance off monthly, you are paying too much interest. Use your debit card instead. Remember: retail and gas credit cards are also credit cards, and are likely to have an even higher interest rate.

3. When you are offered repeated refinancing.

Don't refinance your loan frequently over a short period of time. You might be charged fees for each time you refinance that will add up over time.

Although it might seem like you are getting a better deal by refinancing your loan in the long term, the short term costs for these changes can be considerable. Often, there is fine print in these agreements that will cost you money.

You want to get a loan from an institution (often a bank or credit union) that can offer you stability and security. You not only get peace of mind knowing what your monthly payments are, you will get a better deal from an institution that is not trying to charge you constant refinancing fees.

Occasional refinancing might be fiscally wise, but be sure that you are dealing with an institution that you trust.

4. From fee-based institutions.

You will have to pay interest on any money that you borrow. You want to pay the least amount of interest possible. See if you are going to have to pay any fees or premiums on your loan. These are often not counted in the interest rate and make a loan look less expensive and more competitive than it really is.

Payday loan companies and cash advance companies are notorious for charging excess fees as well as exorbitant interest rates. Avoid these institutions at all cost. A bank or credit union will certainly be able to offer you better options.

Each state has a lending law which states the highest amount a company can charge you interest. In Canada, this rate is 60%. Charging more than a 60% interest rate is illegal, but many companies try to wheedle their way around the law by charging ancillary fees that they do not count with interest. Of late, there has been a rash of lawsuits against such practices. Don't get involved in the first place.

5. Borrowing your own tax refund.

Some companies purport to offer you easy access to your tax refund, and will loan you the money in the interim. This practice, like payday loans, is predatory and bad for the consumer. You will lose more of your tax refund than you will see of it, so avoid this scam at all costs.

Although borrowing money is a part of regular financial growth, and is often fiscally necessary, you want to avoid being caught in these predatory lending practices. Doing your research is the best way to safeguard yourself against any of these monetary scams.

Morgan James is a financial expert who can help you get financially back on track. Check out all of the information that Morgan has to share on loans (payday loans, mortgages, student loans, and more) at http://www.theguideto-loans.com

If you are working to get out of debt, be sure to visit http://www.theguideto-loans.com/debt_management/

วันศุกร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Collection Agencies What Do They Do

Writen by Steve Austin

Collection agencies are businesses that collect past-due bills and accounts receivable for other persons or businesses in exchange for a fee. Collection agencies charge for their services one of three ways:

1) A flat fee.

2) A percentage of what is collected.

3) Through a direct sale of the delinquent accounts.

If you are trying to collect a small or medium sized debt, using collection agencies that charge a flat fee are probably your best option - collection agencies that charge a flat fee work just as hard to collect a small debt as they do to collect a large debt.

If you have just a few large unpaid receivables, working with collection agencies that charge a percent of the total debt collected is a wise choice. (usually 25 to 50 percent).

The third option, selling your uncollected receivables at a discount to certain collection agencies is advisable only if you have a very large amount of debt - usually $1 million or more. The selling price is typically a minuscule 2 to 8 cents on the dollar.

Most collection agencies use one of three tactics to collect debt:

1) Letters.

2) Direct contact via the telephone.

3) Litigation.

Typically, collection agencies begin the collection process by sending a series of notification letters, often called demand letters. The final notification letter generally warns the debt dodger that if the past-due account is not paid by a certain date, his or her name or company will passed on to more intensive collections.

Many collection agencies also pay their staff to phone the debtor directly. This direct contact is most useful in turning up the heat on debtors who have identified themselves as having no intention to pay their bill.

Litigation — in small claims court or a full-scale courtroom — is a final option.

Besides sending out letters and making phone calls, some collection agencies also specialize in locating debtors who can no longer be reached at the address or phone number listed on their accounts. To determine whether certain collection agencies offer this service, ask them about their "skip tracing" abilities.

Collection Agency Outsourcing - Outsourcing accounts receivable to a professional collection agency has become a popular alternative to attempting to collect receivables in-house.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Be Smart With Your Credit Card

Writen by Peter Kenny

We all wish that our credit cards were interest free all the time. How much pleasure would it be to know that what you spend is what you pay back and there would be no interest to pay. What is happening is the credit card companies are fighting it out to see who can get the most customers and one way is to offer us 0% interest deals.

The credit card companies are offering introductory offers including 0% on balance transfers and purchases for 6 or 9 months, so everything you buy is interest free how great is that! These offers are becoming more popular by the month, the credit card companies realise we will go with these credit cards first and that interest free deals for any period of time is a great way to pull in the customers.

Break free from your high interest credit card…

All credit cards can be interest free if you pay off your full balance on time and at the end of every month, but most of us cannot afford to do this. When the APR comes into force, usually a typical rate of 15-20% will be charged. There are however some better rates about if you are willing to search for them, including a rate of 9% and maybe even lower. Always check what your rate will be once the introductory period is over.

Many credit card holders are using the 0% deals to their advantage. The term "Rate Tart" is used to describe people who transfer their balance from one card on to a credit card that has the 0% deal. This will cut out the interest payments on their existing card, however, you really have to keep on top of this especially if you have more than one credit card, as you do not want to get confused as to when and where your balance transfers are due.

Take advantage of the 0% deals…

There has never been a better time to take advantage of these great 0% deals with the big companies fighting for your business. If you're using the 0% deals for transferring your balance and are intending to use the card after the interest free period, double check the interest rate once the introductory period is over as it may be higher than the card you have.

· Switch your balance to a 0% deal
· Check the APR that will be charged when the 0% deal is over
· Start searching for a new credit card 4-6 weeks before your existing deal runs out

For credit card advice please visit here http://www.creditcards-gb.co.uk/creditcardadvice.html

0% deals are great as long as you watch what you are doing. The more cards you have the more chances are of getting transfer balance dates confused, but if you have a good head on your shoulders and are well organized then you will benefit greatly.

Peter Kenny is a writer for creditcards-gb For additional articles and an extensive resource for everything about credit cards, please visit us at http://www.creditcards-gb.co.uk and http://www.creditcards2go4.com

Selecting The Best Reward Credit Card Company

Writen by John Mussi

So you finally managed to come to a decision on the type of credit card you plan to apply for and you ended up with one that gives you reward points instead of low interest rates. But wait, your work isn't over yet - there's just one last thing to do before swiping time. And that's selecting the reward credit card company that's ideal for your wants and needs.

The selection process can be achieved in several, trouble-free steps.

Step 1 - Consider Only Reputable Credit Card Companies

Okay, it's obvious that reputable credit card companies have more requirements to demand from you and there's a lesser chance of passing but it's equally obvious that there are more advantages to enjoy when you do get to own a reward credit card from a reputable company.

Among others, there would be more stores who'd accept your reward credit card, you'll be probably paying a lower interest rate compared to others and the service is sure to be more reliable.

Step 2 - Consider the Rewards

Rewards, are, after all the very main reason why people apply for reward credit cards. Hence, it's only quite logical that the type of rewards being offered would figure prominently when you consider which reward credit card company you should apply to!

And because there is literally a great deal of reward credit card companies who are eager to offer their services, never ever settle for second best. Go for what you want and nothing less!

Step 3 - Consider the Time Given To Earn Points

How much time are you given by the reward credit card company to earn and save points? This is an essential aspect to consider because if the time given to you by the reward credit card company is limited, you might be stuck with earning little prizes for the rest of your life.

Step 4 - Consider the Reward Credit Card Company's Affiliates and Alliances

Let's just say that your reward credit card company has close ties with airlines but unfortunately, you have a phobia of flying. That wouldn't do any good at all, would it? So do choose a reward credit card company with affiliates and alliances that would also be beneficial to you.

Step 5 - Consider the Interest

There may be times that you'll be unable to pay your credit card bills on time and which means you have to contend with the interest rates. Make sure however that you're not paying more than you should.

Step 6 - Consider the Reward Point System Used

Overall, how is the reward system of the credit card? Are they quick in providing customer support?

Step 7 - Consider Consulting with Friends

A second opinion should never harm anybody because you're just trying to be safe than sorry.

Step 8 - Consider for the Very Last Time

Thinking hard is better than not thinking at all.

Step 9 - Choose and Apply.

Step 10 - SHOP! And this is the ultimate point of owning a credit card, isn't it?

You may freely reprint this article provided the following author's biography (including the live URL link) remains intact:

About The Author

John Mussi is the founder of Direct Online Loans who help homeowners find the best available loans via the http://www.directonlineloans.co.uk website.

วันพุธที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Identity Theft Dont Think You Are Immune

Writen by David Wilding

As identity theft becomes more prevalent, the need to regularly check your credit report is very easy to see and understand. Two big headlines in the news recently point to how closely tied your credit report and identity theft are.

First, we hear of the troubles of Choice Point, a company involved in the storage and distribution of credit information. It appears some criminals set up a fake company and used it to obtain sensitive credit information. Then in turn they used it to steal the identities of about 750 people. That number will probably grow, since more than 500,000 people across the country have been put at risk.

Second, comes the story about missing computer tapes containing credit card records of more than 1.2 million of Bank of America cardholders. Most of the accounts belonged to federal government employees. This has placed the account holders in danger of increased risk of identity theft.

Both of these companies are now in the process of notifying the people of their exposure. The truly bad part of all the problems is these leaks and losses occurred months ago. These two companies were not very quick in notifying the people affected. Way too much damage could have been done before they had been alerted to the trouble.

While the headlines may change, the need to check your credit report does not. You may be very careful. You may shred your documents, the credit card and other financial solicitations you receive in the mail. You may take great care how and where you give out your financial information. Unfortunately as these stories show, it may not be enough.

Identity theft affects about 10 million victims per year. It has been estimated to cost consumers and businesses more than 50 billion dollars a year. It is easily among the fastest growing categories of white collar crime. You need to do all you can to fight theft of your identity.

A new law has been put on the books by the Congress to help combat the losses. It allows the you, the consumer to request a free credit report from the credit agencies once a year. You should not hesitate to take advantage of it. However, the law has a rollout feature which does not allow full access for all Americans until September 1 of this (2005) year.

While this is a step in the right direction, in typical fashion the government continues to leave the populace exposed. You should access your credit report much more often than once a year. If an identity theft takes place just after receiving the free credit reports, an enormous amount of damage can be done before you can review your next free report.

The Federal Trade Commission has put together a list of questions and answers concerning this new law and the effect it will have on your credit report and your risk of identity theft. They can be helpful to you in determining your rights under the law

It makes sense to check your reports regularly, as often as, on a monthly basis. This may seem a bit much to you, but just ask a person who has had their identity stolen how much hassle it is to take your life back. They will tell you it is well worth the effort. Let's face it, no one cares as much as you, about your credit record, and the damage that identity theft could cause in your life.

(c)2005 David Wilding

David Wilding has for the past ten years worked with groups and individuals to rid their lives of debt. Visit his website for more ideas, tools, and strategies to get rid of your debt.

วันอังคารที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Accepting Credit Cards Over The Phone

Writen by Joseph Kenny

There has been a huge growth in the number of cold calls, and unsolicited offers that people receive on their home and business phones. The process can be very intrusive and frustrating and is the subject of a growing number of complaints. Many of these calls come from phone companies, especially mobile phone providers but they are also for new windows, for insurance and for credit among other things.

If you are offered credit over the phone, it can be quite tempting, especially if you have poor credit or have had difficulty in getting credit in the past. However, there are some risks involved and you should be careful. The primary concern with these types of calls is that at the end of the day, if you are the recipient of the call, you do not know who is calling you. Just because someone says they are from a respectable bank or credit card provider does not necessarily mean they are, and you should accordingly be cautious about what information you give out over the phone. Of course, if you have made the call, or have requested it from a reputable lender, then this will be far less of a concern.

Do not, under any circumstances, be pressured into giving out sensitive information over the phone or accepting credit if you are not comfortable doing so. If you do think you want to accept a phone offer for credit, then give out as little information as possible over the phone. They will probably need your address, but any other information can be sent to them through the post, in an application form. You should become very suspicious of anyone who calls you and starts asking for your payment details, bank account number or any other similar information. If they are a genuine company, then they should be more than happy to send you an application form through the post.

Also, make sure you ask who you are speaking to and which company they represent. Ask them for their website address so that you can look up the company on line. Also, when the application form does arrive by post, read it carefully and satisfy yourself not only that the offer is one you would like to accept, but also that the company is one that you would like to be dealing with. Finally, look at the address carefully and make sure that it all appears above board.

Joe Kenny writes for CardGuide.co.uk, offering the latest information on credit cards, visit them today for more best buy credit cards.
Visit today: http://www.cardguide.co.uk

Credit Score Basics And The New Credit Score System

Writen by Deb C

What is a Credit Score Report?

One of the first steps in repairing or improving your credit score is to find out what your current credit report looks like. A credit report is a detailed report generated by a credit bureau for a prospective lender. This report includes an individuals debts and the timeliness of their repayment, employment and residence history, any judgements, tax liens, or bankruptcies. Based on this information, a credit score is determined which is a number from 400 for a low score and 900 for a high score. Credit scores are used by lenders to determine if you qualify for a loan or service. The lenders use these scores to estimate the amount of risk they maybe exposed to by providing you with their services. Basically the higher your score the less risk you represent to the lender.

Where can you get a Free Credit Report?

A Central Source has been setup for you to request the free reports. You can contact the Central Source at: www.AnnualCreditReport.com or by calling 1-877-FACTACT. The Central Source makes the reports available to certain parts of the country during certain times of the year.

Also, there are three nationwide consumer credit reporting companies where you can purchase a copy of your credit score report. These are:

Equifax - www.equifax.com
Experian - www.experian.com
TransUnion - www.transunion.com

It's a good idea to purchase the Credit Score Report along with the free Credit File Disclosure report to get an overall picture of your credit profile.

New Credit Scoring System

A new credit scoring system called "VantageScore" has been designed to make it easier for financial institutions to assess loan applications and also give consumers an easier way of measuring their credit worthiness.

The three credit agencies each have been using their own formulas to generate their own credit scores, so lenders would have to reconcile three different scores when dealing with a consumer's application for credit.

Now, using this new system, only one formula is used to create the scores for all three credit bureaus, so the scores will be virtually the same. This will provide a highly consistent score that is easy to understand. The scores will range from 501 to 990. The high end is slightly higher than scores currently in use. The scores will be grouped in a way similar to academic grades. For example:

A -- 901-990
B -- 801-900
C -- 701-800
D -- 601-700
F -- 501-600

The new score is expected to reduce the fluctuation in a consumer's scores by an estimate of 30 percent compared with the old method.

This article has been provided courtesy of http://www.RefinanceBadCreditNow.com RefinanceBadCreditNow offers great information and resources for people with bad credit where you can find information on Credit Reports, Debt Consolidation, Auto Loans, Mortgages, & more.

วันจันทร์ที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Tired Of Being Brokelearn How To Force Banks To Give You Money

Writen by Cornelus Postell

Imagine...obtaining credit that's incredibly easy...opening doors of opportunity you never even considered being possible. Credit which will allow you to take the dream vacation of a lifetime, drive luxury cars, dress in the latest fashions, achieve the American dream of owning your own home, or even start your very own business. With these time-tested proven step by step strategies, all of this can now be possible!

Credit can be your #1 asset or your worst enemy. The trouble is, it can be a very stressful experience when an unsuspecting person find out there's something wrong with their credit. One minute you feel you can buy up the world, and the next minute, you're told your credit is denied! All of a sudden, your credit is not as welcome as someone who still has their good credit. It's a situation that affects so many, especially when applying for new credit.

Without good credit, people soon discover it's difficult to live without the necessary items that are needed. Unless you know how to improve, increase and repair your own credit, you will have to overcome many obstacles. Items such as new cars, houses, even rental properties and job placements can become very difficult to obtain. However, it doesn't have to be this way! This is why it's so important to know how to use your credit- no matter how good or bad- in your favor!

Bankers and lenders in certain geographic areas usually will turn to one credit reporting agency. There are many, however, that subscribe to more than one. That can work in your favor because in many cases your complete credit history will never be accessed by a credit bureau located in another area.

By applying for credit through banks and lenders that subscribe to a credit reporting agency outside the area, there's every reason to believe that some damaging information will not appear in your file. Remember, the only way bankers and lenders can survive is to extend credit to consumers. Especially in today's times! By taking a few easy steps to sidestep one credit report that has negative entries, and taking advantage of another that show you're a good credit risk, creditors will practically force hard cash into your hand. Here's how:

  1. Obtain a credit report from anyone of the credit bureaus to determine if there are damaging entries that might cause your credit application to be denied. By checking your credit from all of the credit bureaus, you can determine which one is your best option.

  2. Call several banks and lenders and ask the receptionist, etc., which credit bureau they use in their application approval process. If the individual tells you they don't know, ask them to find out.

  3. Select a bank or lender that subscribes to a credit reporting agency other than the one typically used in the area. This will ensure that you have the most favorable information readily available to check.

  4. Obtain a credit report from the credit reporting agency that your selected lender uses. A simple process that can be easily done on the Internet.

  5. Repeat step number 4 until you find a report that is most favorable to you and shows the least negative entries.

  6. The only thing left for you to do is apply with that bank, lender, or other creditor that subscribes to the credit bureau that has the credit report most favorable to you.

Your credit file could list multiple damaging information in one credit report, but never show up in another! By obtaining your credit reports in advance, you will definitely know which lender to approach for credit. All you have to do is ask! By establishing a strong credit background, you'll be able to enjoy life, without any worries of being declined, getting the things you want! Just think...no longer will you'll be embarrased or turned down because of bad credit. The choice is all up to you to do it!

About The Author

This free article is courtesy of Cornelus Postell. Cornelus is the author of "Money Solutions That Works!", a proven time-tested selection of personal finance information and ways of gaining personal financial freedom. For more free information check out http://www.solutionswerks.com

Airline Credit Card Who Needs Them

Writen by Robert Alan

An airline credit card is one which rewards purchases with air travel miles or points which can be redeemed for them. Airline credit cards ideally fit a certain user profile. Typically users of airline cards are financially well off and travel frequently. But who else needs them?

Ideal Airline Credit Card User Checklist

Before deciding to go for an airline credit card you should check your credit history. If it is perfect or almost perfect, you can check off one of the requirements of the ideal airline credit card user checklist. If you pay your credit card debt on time, you fulfill the second requirement of the checklist. It is also important that your debts on other credit cards and other bills are paid one time. You are a big spender, and spend it through your airline card. Most importantly, the travel miles are useful or important to you.

Reasons for the Airline Card Checklist

Airline cards usually charge higher interest than ordinary cards. If you are not timely in your credit payments, you incur a lot of interest. Also if you do not have excellent credit ratings, you fall into a higher interest bracket and do not qualify for the lower APR credit cards. This makes airline cards very expensive to own. It is also important to pay other debts regularly, since the rules link you credit ratings across debts. What this means is, if you have a bad credit rating in relation to another credit card you own, it affects your credit rating in the airline credit card and you may have to pay a higher rate of interest.

If you are not a big spender and do not spend much through your airline card you will not earn enough miles to travel by air for a long time. If travel isn't interesting to you or is not incidental to your line of work, you may be better off looking for a low APR credit card.

If you do purchase an airline credit card, make the most of it, by using it whenever you shop. Also use your airline miles at the first chance you get. It is better to use your airline miles for long flights to make the most of them. Airline cards are used best when they are redeemed for airline miles. It is generally not worth it to redeem your airline card on other products.

Airline cards vary greatly in terms of their bundle of offerings. There are different APR's and differing credit requirements (but you must have good credit). Also some airline credit cards offer bonus air miles. Different annual fees are charged. Bank sponsored airline cards allow you to redeem your air miles through a number of airlines. With airline sponsored cards you have to patronize the issuing airline. An informed purchase of your airline credit card can lead to smart savings for some, and free holidays for others. Remember to combine the informed purchase with smart usage of your airline card. If you can choose and use your airline credit card wisely, the only negative effect you can expect is jet lag.

For more information on airline credit card offers, Robert Alan recommends that you visit CreditCardAssist.com

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Using A Credit Card To Fund Your Business

Writen by Peter Kenny

The spate of credit card offers and leaflets that most of us receive through the post or in our daily newspapers, which promise us unlimited spending power and in some cases blank cheques, has threw up a major surprise and that is the way that small businesses are using personal credit cards that you or I use for granted in our daily personal use, to finance their business practices.

Many are doing this to the tune of almost £2 Billion a month and this is not getting spent on business expenses that they can claim back from the company coffers. The biggest uses are travel or entertainment. The personal credit cards are being used to fund the workings of the everyday running of the business and in some cases the company car is being charged to the credit card.

This has all come about because of the easy access to credit card lenders funds, which are put under our noses at every turn. You cannot even go to a supermarket or shopping mall without being accosted by some credit card sales representative offering you the chance of spending someone else's cash.

So all in all it is hardly surprising that many people who either have to fund a small business or wish to start one, would feel this to be an easier road to go down, rather than sitting in front of the local friendly neighbourhood bank manager and having to explain all the little details on why you need a loan, while asking you to offer up guarantees. The guarantees enable them to be able to get their cash back and this could mean putting your home up as collateral if it all backfires.

So all of this makes the applying for the credit cards the easy option, as it quite easy to apply to credit cards and see yourself with a spending power of thousands and thousands of pounds with an amount as much as £50,000 easily attainable. So much easier than applying to the bank for this amount of backing! There a simple reason for this and that is that the bank, even if you think that they are killing your business plan, have to look at all the pros and cons to your claim and will access things that may even go wrong that you have not even considered or put into your business plan, before they will loosen the purse strings.

By doing this, the banks are also protecting you, yep that's right protecting you from any irresponsible borrowing that may lead to you falling into a debt that you simply cannot find away out of. By going to the bank, you will be protecting yourself personally and if you are going the way of a limited company, with the assets of the business alone being the sole contributor of any debts owed, where as if you go down the personal credit card route, you will in no doubt find that a couple of big burly bailiffs, will come a Knocking at your door and start taking stock of you and your families belongings and that would be a tad more harder to take than a NO from your bank manager.

Useful contacts:

Debt Advice-http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/ Credit Card Advice-http://www.creditcards-gb.co.uk

Peter Kenny is a writer for creditcards-gb.co.uk. For additional articles and an extensive resource for everything about credit cards and loans, please visit us at creditcards-gb and moneywize

วันเสาร์ที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Business Credit Cards The Cards That Can Make You Rich

Writen by Morgan Hamilton

Owning a business could be one of the most lucrative concepts an individual can engage into. It gives them the freedom to choose the kind of strategies that they need in order to achieve success. It provides them the opportunity to grow financially, emotionally, mentally, and morally.

However, putting up a business is not easy, especially if a person still lacks the necessary capital for his or her chosen venture. Some problems generally affect the creation of a business. An example of this is a business wherein after using up all the available capital, they still need more funds to support its expansion.

These simple things are the very core why most credit card companies have come up with the so-called business credit cards.

Business credit cards are tailor-made for businesses only, whether big, small, new, or old. Its main function is to provide the business an access to easier credit especially when the company needs to buy some materials for the business.

Moreover, business credit cards are considered as important tools in business because it is through these plastics that a particular venture can build its credit history. It is a well-known fact that in the market, it is extremely important to have a credit history. Otherwise, one's financial future is doomed forever.

The Advantages

Business credit cards are generally advantageous to almost all of the businesses. Unlike personal credit cards, the overall transactions of the business credit card are all patterned after the company's name and not on the name of the owner.

In this way, the company's credit history is instantly established, making room for the many benefits that credit can bring.

Businesses credit cards are also known for their ability to provide reliable records of transactions. Through this, the business will be able to track down each kind of transactions. Hence, it would be easier to allocate each transaction when enumerating them when filing taxes.

It can also provide the best money management technique. With transactions that can be traced at any time, the proper flow of money will be maintained.

In fact, 7 out of 10 business experts contend that transactions using business credit cards are easier to locate than those that were made through their checking account. They said that with their checking account, there are instances that they fail to record (manually) the transaction; hence, errors are inevitable. However, on credit cards, everything is printed out completely in every monthly statement.

Best of all, business credit cards are also known to provide necessary "perks" to their customers. Some cards provide extra cards for the employees that can be either free or less expensive than the usual personal credit card. Business credit cards can also provide insurances on accidents incurred while on travel.

All of these things can be enjoyed by every entrepreneur. The only important thing to be remembered is to pay all of the dues on time in order to maintain a good credit standing.

Some Reminders…

Indeed, business credit cards can offer businesses more reasons to smile. However, like any other credit cards, business owners should always keep in mind that the convenience that cards can give should be equaled with the responsibility.

Every businessperson should know that credit cards are built for emergencies and not as an extension of the company's finances. If used otherwise, business credit cards can do more harm than good. Therefore, it is best to always use credit cards wisely.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Credit Cards. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Business Credit Cards

The Top 3 Discover Credit Cards

Writen by Eric Wasselman

Discover credit cards are another popular credit card. The top three cards according to online research are the Discover Platinum card, The Miles Card from Discover, and the Discover Platinum Gas card. All discover cards can easily top the list based on criteria used to select the top three.

Discover Platinum card

All new Discover card holders get started at 0% APR on purchases and balance transfers. This rate is for one full year; however after twelve months the regular rate is 10.99%. This card has no annual fee for using it, plus users have the benefit of knowing that there is a zero dollar fraud liability protection.

A five percent cash back bonus is available for some purchases with the Get More Program. The Get More program never stops as long as you use the card. Some purchases earn one percent cash back. Redeem your points for gift certificates and cards and you double your rewards, that is, if your reward was Thirty dollars it become Sixty dollars.

The Miles Card from Discover

This card allows new customers to earn a twelve thousand bonus miles on signing up. The Miles Card from Discover, like most cards currently, offers a 0% introductory APR as an incentive to sign up. The introductory period for this card is twelve months, but after this time the regular APR of 10.99% becomes applicable.

The Miles Card has no blackout dates so customers can use their rewards to travel anytime.

Discover Platinum Gas card

This card gives a five percent cash back reward on gas purchases. Purchases and balances incur no interest for twelve months, however the regular APR rate is 10.99%. There are also no annual fees attached to the card. Card holders are also safe from fraud liability if the card is stolen or lost.

To apply for these and other Discover credit cards, Eric Wasselman recommends Find Credit Cards.